
Support a User Comments Feature with ArangoDB

Support a User Comments Feature with ArangoDB

January 16, 2024

#arangoDB #Express #GCP

Let’s take a dive into how we can use arangoDB to model social relationships

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The Dark Sides of X (Twitter)

The Dark Sides of X (Twitter)

January 15, 2024

#research #pandas #folium #numpy #seaborn

A dive into my Master’s thesis topic

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Women In Engineering: Breaking Barriers

Women In Engineering: Breaking Barriers

March 6, 2023

#work/life balance #women in tech

This post is a compilation of tips I would to share with other women in the tech industry

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Building a Smart Watch Geofence Feature

Building a Smart Watch Geofence Feature

March 13, 2022

#django #LINE bot #webhooks #AWS Lambda #Amazon RDS

This post covers a high level overview of the design of a geofence feature

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Udemy Course Tracker Bot

Udemy Course Tracker Bot

June 1, 2021

#webhooks #express #Facebook Bot #Node

This post covers the setup of a FB messenger bot for the purpose of checking for content updates for paid Udemy courses

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Quick Campaign

Quick Campaign

June 12, 2020

#React #Redux #stripe #sendgrid #MongoDB #Node #Express

This post covers the high level architecture for an application allowing the creating and management of email campaigns

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Building a Wafer Map Visualization Dashboard

Building a Wafer Map Visualization Dashboard

May 1, 2020

#js #d3 #semiconductors #python #nginx #redis #pandas #matplotlib

This post covers the frontend and backend design of a wafer map visualization dashboard

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Create a Server Monitor with React and Spring boot

Create a Server Monitor with React and Spring boot

September 4, 2019

#spring boot #React #js

This post is a tutorial for building a simple front end application with React used to monitor the uptime and downtime of a spring boot service

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Building a high performance XML file parser service

Building a high performance XML file parser service

May 1, 2018

#python #celery #celery beat #Redis

A high level overview of a file parser service using Celery

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