Udemy Course Tracker Bot

I built this bot to cover the following scenarios:

  • For Udemy courses I already completed, I want to know when the course was last updated. With the fast pace in technology many concepts are outdated quickly so I tend to do a refresher from time to time.
  • For Udemy courses I would like to purchase, I want to know if there are discounted offers. Why not take advantage of a sale right!

This was a personal side project I built with the intention of providing an easy to use interface to get these course updates. My idea was to leverage an existing platform that we use on a daily basis. Therefore I decided to use FB messenger. The bot’s magic word is “udemy”, so it only replies correctly to this code word. Once it receives the code word, a webhook triggers a POST request to the REST API built using Node/Express that handles fetching data from MongoDB, compiling the course updates and replies with the results.


Tech Stack:

  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Heroku
  • Node/Express
  • FB Messenger Bot
Notion image

Here is the link to the codebase.